Instructions to produce 22.5 litres (5gall)
Clean & sterilise all equipment before use with cleaner & steriliser or equivalent, steriliser equipment.
Add 2 litres of hot water to your bin and then sprinkle in the contents of the pouch of powdered malt and stir well to dissolve. Add a further litre of hot water and 1kg of sugar again mixing well in. Add sachet of Flavouring extract washing out well. Stir to ensure all is well mixed
Stir in cold water filling your Bin to 22.5 litres (5 gallons). The temperature of the liquid should now be 17 – 25oC (77oF). If above allow to cool before proceeding
Sprinkle the improver over the top of your mix and stir in. Leave in a warm place to rise (17-24 oC) ideally 22 – 24 oC for 4 – 6 days.
5. When fully proved
Transfer into bottles or pressure barrel priming with the required amount of sugar. This is typically a quarter to a half teaspoon per pint bottle
Place back into a warm area for 3 days to condition before removing to a cool place for clearing and storage.